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Love the content <3
This podcast has helped me immensely. Love all the guest but especially how much information I can take and implement. I’m not saying I’m agreeing to it all but I do love pausing and just having conversations with my friends about a specific part of the pod. My friends and I listened to this on the road back from the crag or on the way to the gym. Super helpful and just fun to listen to. Truly thank you thank you for sharing it all and being able to listen to more climbing content for those who strive to get to their highest potential in climbing. I love it, thank you

Best Climbing Podcast to Learn From
If you care about progression, learning, and hard climbing, this is THE podcast.

In depth interviews
I love that Josh goes in deep when talking with great people. There are other podcasts out there that meander around and go more into things other than the true form of climbing. The love of movement and the embodiment of the actual act of climbing is what keeps me looking forward to the next episode with these guys. I’m 100% not interested in the next greatest finger training technique or block pickup or how to power lift for climbing podcast. These guys tell it to you straight… if you want to achieve your goals in climbing you have to dedicate your time to climbing, not other weird movements that won’t necessarily make you any better at climbing.

This show is my JAM!!
This show is epic. I love the deep dives into the nitty gritty specifics of the climbing experience. It's an exhilarating journey into the DNA of high-level athletic performance. You're roped into riveting conversations with world-class athletes, all aiming to unpack the sheer genius behind exceptional climbing. Josh and Tim have an exceptional knack for distilling complex jargon into relatable terms and funny anecdotes. They delve into the psychological aspects of climbing—a terrain as complex as any crag—as they explore self-awareness, mental resilience, and the inextricable mind-body connection crucial for any elite athlete. An episode starts and you're virtually hanging off a cliff alongside Carlo Traversi or Katie Lamb, listening to them dissect the neural pathways that get activated during an ascent. It's the equivalent of a live masterclass that melds adrenaline-pumping narratives with philosophy and cutting-edge scientific inquiry. You can practically feel the gritty texture of the rock and the lactic acid build-up in your muscles as guests discuss the physiological nuances that differentiate a good climber from a great one. You're led into the rabbit hole of what it takes to deliver exceptional performance. If you're a sucker for data-backed insights, you'll revel in their analysis, reminiscent of Malcolm Gladwell's "Outliers," where the "10,000-hour rule" meets "the edge effect" in athletic prowess. In the words of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who coined the term "flow state," this podcast taps into that precise psychological zone where athletes transcend their limits. It offers a banquet of sensory experiences, teases your intellectual curiosity, and most importantly, galvanizes you to push your boundaries. Listening along, I feel myself part of a community that's always reaching for the next hold, and living life on the edge, both literally and metaphorically. I highly recommend this to anyone committed to scaling their personal and athletic horizons.

Top tier guests and convo
Lots of great insights here and also just feels like the type of convos elite climbers have with each other. So it’s a peak behind the curtain

Great focus on keeping true the North Star
Many absolutely gold episodes, like the Will Anglin or Nathaniel Coleman episodes, or the duo episode that have insights throughout.

So Good
As I’ve become more interested in climbing hard outside rather than rambling around on 5.10-11, this podcast has helped change the way I think about improving climbing performance. I am becoming better at self-coaching and analyzing my own climbing, and I’m making a major mindset shift towards climbing harder (and having fun while doing it). Thank you Josh and Tim!

Best Climbing Podcast Out There!
Really enjoying the podcast. Lots of helpful climbing tips about going from good to great.

Best climbing podcast
They go deep, very interesting and Ive learnd a lot listening to this one. Better than the nugget!

Timmy’s insight is so valuable in this modern era of post Olympics climbing competition! As an athlete it’s so key to hear the play by plays of the round and whole competition.

Most unique perspective on climbing training and performance
This podcast dives deep into topics rarely discussed in the climbing podcast landscape. The Al Rangel episode especially has an eye-opening perspective on coaching in the youth competition scene, which actually has huge utility relevant to developing climbers of all ages and disciplines.

Top Tier
Some of the most analytical and thought-provoking climbing content

Keep ‘em coming
The pro tips are money

Good podcast
I think the more transparency in high level climbing, the better.

Protips and Psyche
If you like the Ross

Great content
The pro tips are amazing. You are missing out if you aren’t listening in.

Can’t wait for the next episode!
Awesome podcast, guys! Love the content, can’t wait for the next episode!

Good vibes
Chill climbers that know what they’re talking about. A would listen again.

The best climbing pod!
My totally unbiased review is that these guys are great. Thanks for listening 🙏