Season 1

May 15, 2023

#46 -- F*CK! I'm Injured

Tim and Josh dig into the topic of injuries. How to avoid them, how to work around them, how to train around them, and the mindset you need to get through them and come back stronger. They both have had their fair share and l...
May 8, 2023

#45 -- Jared Roth (pusher)

Jared Roth joined Tim and Josh for an epic pod! There was soooo much ground to cover because Jared has done it all in the climbing world. Be sure not to miss his stories about the early days in Bishop and his FA of the iconic...
May 1, 2023

#44 -- Your Home

Tim and Josh share their takeaways from the last interview with Connor Herson and an interview Tim did for another podcast. Then they discuss some of the drama around hold choice in the latest World Cup. The pod ends with a l...
April 24, 2023

#43 -- Connor Herson, Non-Traditional

Tim and Josh joke that Connor's background of traditional climbing actually makes him Non-Traditional. But this gives him a unique POV compared to others and it makes it all the more fun to hear his take on competitions, boul...
April 17, 2023

#42 -- Crimp Types and the Why Behind Each One

Tim and Josh actually do love crimps. Or at least they like them… In this episode they go into each of the different crimp types (open, half, full) and the pro’s and con’s of each one. Then they talk about how and why to util...
April 10, 2023

#41 -- Sloper Love

Tim and Josh express their love of slopers and deconstruct the techniques around how to best use them. Slopers can stump a lot of newer, intermediate, and even advanced climbers, but they are the key to unlocking next level c...
April 3, 2023

#40 -- Putting the Lessons Together, Effort

Tim and Josh go into the application of Balance and Mechanics: Effort. Tim shows us how Effort is something that is trainable all by itself. Effort is that “jen ne se quois” that MUST be understood and developed in order to b...
March 28, 2023

#39 -- The 2nd Lesson, Mechanics

Tim and Josh go into the next thing Tim addresses with his clients: Climbing Mechanics. They show the process behind how you can deconstruct hard “stopper” moves to make them as easy as possible. This is fundamental for level...
March 20, 2023

#38 -- The 1st Lesson, Balance

Balance on the wall is one of the first things Tim goes over with all of his coaching clients. In this episode Tim and Josh go over what balance means in climbing, how to find better positions when you feel ‘off balance’, and...
March 6, 2023

#37 -- Sport Climbing Tips, Tricks, & Tactics

Tim and Josh go deep on how to sport climb at a high level. They address breathing on the wall, understanding resting, dealing with fear, how to do hard bouldery moves while tied in, and lots more.
Feb. 27, 2023

#36 -- Grades Matter

Are grades subjective? What exactly do grades represent, and what don’t they represent? How do climbs get their grades anyways? What is the hardest move ever done and how are hard moves related to the actual grade of the clim...
Feb. 21, 2023

#35 -- Bodyweight Optimization and Cutting Edge Tech

Josh brings Coach Andy ( @coachandytollefson on Instagram) back on to talk about figuring out your optimal bodyweight for climbing and how weightlifting may or may not fit into obtaining that weight. Then they go on to discus...
Feb. 14, 2023

#34 -- Pursuing Mastery with Tim & Coach Andy

Tim and his S&C Coach, Andy, discuss the pursuit of mastery in climbing. What that means and what that looks like day to day. You can find Andy on Instagram @coachandytollefson .
Feb. 6, 2023

#33 -- Coach Andy Tollefson

Tim’s Strength and Conditioning Coach, Andy Tollefson, joins Tim and Josh. Andy is a climber and coach based out of SLC who is a certified Strength and Condition Specialist and graduated with a BS in Exercise Science. They ta...
Jan. 30, 2023

#32 -- Pumping Iron for Climbing?

Tim and Josh discuss weightlifting and climbing. What is weightlifting vs calisthenics vs prehab? Is it necessary? Who might benefit? Who might not? Josh’s recommendation: Hangboarding + ‘Perfect’ Pull-ups + Pistols or Jumpi...
Jan. 23, 2023

#31 -- Supplements and Climbing

Tim and Josh talk about how they use supplements before, during, and after climbing to improve performance and recovery.
Jan. 16, 2023

#30 -- Footwork and Shoe Choice

Tim and Josh get into the minutiae of footwork and shoe choice.
Jan. 9, 2023

#29 -- Reviews of '22 and Predictions for '23

Tim and Josh reflect on what stood out as the biggest themes in the 2022 climbing year and then they make predictions for what they think will be the biggest themes in 2023.
Dec. 20, 2022

#28 -- Tim's Best Day

Tim did it! He sent his longtime project — a link up of 5 highball testpieces in Bishop. All in 1 day. Footprints (V9), Ambrosia (V11), Too Big To Flail (V10), This Side of Paradise (V10), and Evilution Direct (V11). Epic. In...
Dec. 14, 2022

#27 -- What is 'Comp Style'?

Tim and Josh tackle a few listener questions with the main focus being on "What is ‘Comp Style’?"
Dec. 2, 2022

#26 -- BISHOP!

Bishop is one of Tim and Josh's favorite places on Earth. Tim was there while recording the pod so they decided to go deep on what makes Bishop one of the best places to climb in the world.
Nov. 21, 2022

#25 -- Nationals, Adventure, The Meta

Tim shares his experience at Lead Nationals. Spoiler alert -- he placed well! Then Tim and Josh talk about what Adventure means in climbing and why it’s so important. This leads them into The Meta of climbing and how to excel...
Nov. 14, 2022

#24 -- Maxim Zolotukhin, Aesthetics

Tim and Josh are joined by Maxim Zolotukhin, a legendary climber and setter that's been at it for over two decades. They discuss aesthetics, setting, competitions in this wide ranging conversation about all things climbing.
Nov. 2, 2022

#23 -- Preparing for Nationals

Nationals is coming up on November 9th. This is an important comp for Tim that will likely set the tone for his following year. Tim and Josh dive into the training Tim is doing leading up to it and how he's handling the press...