Oct. 30, 2023

#70: T&J — The Best Tasting Boulders, Bad/Good/Great Routesetting, “Cheating”, V16 Downgrades, You Are What You Climb, What To Do When Your Gym Setting Sucks and Past Guest Reflections [Andy Lamb]

#70: T&J — The Best Tasting Boulders, Bad/Good/Great Routesetting, “Cheating”, V16 Downgrades, You Are What You Climb, What To Do When Your Gym Setting Sucks and Past Guest Reflections [Andy Lamb]

The routesetting at your gym is the one of the main ingredients of getting you better at climbing.

Does your gym have bad, good, or great routesetting? Do you even know the difference? What do you do if your gym’s setting sucks?!

Tim and Josh also address some of the latest V16 downgrades as well as some controversy over a comment Josh made about “cheating”.

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